Victim Resources

How to Hire an Attorney

How do I hire an attorney?

If I can be helpful in anyway, it would be to simply ask to show me your record.

You can say to the attorney, I want to see it and I want to see it in writing and if that attorney starts to Waltz with you and not tell you specifically about his record or show you. He doesn't have to show you every trial. He just has to show you a winning record.

And when he does that, that's the most important thing to bring to any first meeting. What you have to bring to the meeting is you have to bring your honesty. You know, in Colorado, if you don't tell the truth, starting from the first second, that you talk to the attorney or talk to the adjuster and they ever catch you in a lie, I want to...

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What is a “Settling Attorney”?

You know a settling attorney is an attorney that never has gone to court, that never goes to court. There are attorneys, in the state of Colorado who have become household names, through legal advertising that don't go to court.

They have thousands of cases, and they don't go to court. Or if they have gone to court over a period of for instance, fifteen years, they might have tried when they have thousands of cases, perhaps, fifteen or twenty cases.

And that wouldn't be the attorney that you see on television, that might be somebody who is a younger attorney that doesn't have much experience.

That all gets us to one place. To be a legitimate threat to an insurance company, you have to have experience and if you don't have experience, the insurance companies don't pay much attention to him.

They like settlement firms. The reason that...

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David Knows His Clients

To be the best attorney, in a trial setting and to get the case to a position where it can settle out of court for the highest amount of money. There is no substitute for getting to know the victim.

I spend an awful lot of time at people's houses. I learn an awful lot just sitting in a kitchen, talking to a rancher, or somebody that is in a rural area. But, I do it all over Denver and the front range.

What am I doing? You know what I'm doing is one, they need to know me and they need to trust me. But you know what I need to know is that I need to know them and I need know how their injury is affecting them. You can't do that without sitting down and talking to people.

But it does something else, it prepares...

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The Importance of Experience

I think experience in a courtroom, experience with personal injury is the biggest, it is the biggest and most critical factor in the representation of injured people.

Trying a case is fairly complex. It starts first of all with very intensive preparation.

I prepare cases from the first time I see people. Not just talking to them, but in my mind how I want to present a case at trial. But then as you think about trying a case, Voir Dire. Voir Dire is the jury selection process. It's fairly complex, you know if you're watching an attorney doing this in the courtroom, it looks like, it looks like there's not much going on. He's simply asking questions. But it's the fastest thing you can do, that I can think of.

It's like driving a Formula race car, because what you're doing is your immediately selecting and rejecting...

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Doing Battle with Insurance Companies

Do you our insurance companies, in the United States of America, are among the most wealthy companies/corporations in the world.

There's very few corporations you can compare to the asset base of what our insurance companies have accumulated over the years. They did not get that money and accumulate that wealth by paying claims. They accumulated that wealth by retaining those assets.

What an insurance companies do, is they essentially, try to pay you the least amount they can in every single case. And that's how their adjusters are judged.

If you think about it, they are a powerful, powerful force on the other side of any personal injury case and you have to know how to deal with that and if you don't, you're in trouble.

The insurance companies are in a position because they have a bottomless pit of money to hire only the best attorneys that...

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