Lakewood Car Accident Lawyer

Lakewood Car Accident Lawyer

Lakewood Car Accident Lawyer

Were you hurt in a car accident?
Can you get money for your injury?
Do you have a case?
Can you get money for your pain and suffering?
Were you partly at fault?

Our Denver Car Accident Attorney can help you understand your rights and whether you have a case. The law may be on your side but the insurance companies are not and that is why you need a Lakewood Car Accident Lawyer, like David Hoover, to fight for you after your car accident colorado.

Colorado law allows you to recover money for damages from the person who caused the accident

  • You may recover money for medical expenses incurred due to the accident
  • You may recover money for lost wages
  • You may recover money pain and suffering
  • You may recover money physical impairment or disfigurement
  • You may recover money for loss of enjoyment of life and inconvenience
  • Your spouse may be eligible to ask or money as well
  • Be prepared to fight for your money because insurance companies will fight you

Lakewood Car Accident Lawyer: Statute of Limitations for Car Accident Colorado is 3 years

The toughest thing about a personal injury case is the healing process. The healing process usually takes a substantial amount of time and the slightest fracture/broken bone can take several months or even years to heal. Something that seems minor can take several surgeries to correct anatomically and many months to recover. The law aims to limit the amount of law suits that can be brought and forces injured parties to file suit within 3 years of the accident or lose the right all together. Knowing the date of your car accident colorado and when the Statute of Limitation is set to time bar your claim is very important your Lakewood Car Accident Lawyer -and you! contact us

Car Accident Colorado: Bodily Injury Insurance

Denver Car Accident Attorney

Denver Car Accident Attorney fights for your bodily injury claims

BODILY INJURY LIABILITY COVERAGE: The legally responsible party is referred to as the at-fault driver in a car accident.  contact us The at-fault driver’s bodily injury liability coverage will pay for costs associated with your injury:

  • Medical expenses
  • Legal fees
  • Loss of income
  • Pain and suffering

Colorado law requires all drivers to carry a minimum of $25,000.00 in bodily injury liability coverage.  See Our Trial Results

Car Accident Colorado: Property Damage Insurance

personal injury attorney denver

Lakewood Car Accident Lawyer helps you with your property damage claim

PROPERTY DAMAGE LIABILITY COVERAGE: The legally responsible party is referred to as the at-fault driver in a car accident.  The at-fault driver’s property damage liability coverage will pay for your car

Contingent Fee Agreement

We’re able to get MORE MONEY for you by avoiding common mistakes made by less experienced attorneys. In many cases, our clients receive higher settlement offers from their insurance company. contact us

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